I have expeirence aerospace structural design .Started with my early  V4 , V5 R12 .and come across various softwares for various industrial requirements.

 Major Auto and Aero OEM's are the technology pushers i.e. basically they try and explorer the new version of softwares and expect other TIER1, TIER 2 service providers to follow their software environment

India is becoming major aerospace and automotive  production hub .R and D work is reducing ,as there is nothing much happening .Many OEM;s are facing economic crunch .In addition to this COVID major issue we are facing .Lockdown situation in more than 120 countries. Many production work is halted .Customer not stopped showing interest. No demand .Raw material supply also halted

This will lead to delay in economic growth .

In addition to this many customers are expecting their supplier to work and deliver on time .Once lockdown is removed without further delay OEM's are expecting the deliver product immediately . 

ELSE some more economic issue. penalty and legal issues

Till now many were not prepared for work from home in mechanical /cad design field . But tocday's demand is totally different. Probably today's V5 with VPM connection /citrix will not be sufficient .customer may look for 3d experience .quicker product life cycle management tool, in built project management tool and lots more .

Dassault is ready to cater service according to our requirement . ARE WE PREPARED FOR MUCH MORE COMPLEX SITUATION>


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